Tuesday, December 22, 2009
18 month-old - her luvly bedroom
Still the activities..
17 months activities
I know it’s been awhile.. life is so complicated yet amazing. The last post I’ve written was the so called letter to Sophie during my offshore training. Sophie is now 22 months and there are lots of story I wanna tell you. I will keep it short. I promise.. such little thing was big for me so I won’t miss any moment which given by God because I know we are such a blessed parents to have her. Every parents would proud of their children, ain’t I right? So let me start with...
17 month-old Sophie
After the incident of we being apart for 2 weeks, Sophie was very attached to me and even couldn’t bare to see me passed by because she will asked me to hold her…every minute. However with the greatest effort of her daddy, she was very independent during nighttime as she can sleep by herself in her lovely room. Yup.. amazing right? In fact, she always knows when I told her its time to go to sleep, and there she was.. she went to her room and dragged her pillow together and.. lied down.. and sleep. Sometimes, yes, she wanted me to be there, just for awhile until she slept. Most of the time she was very easy to get her to bed, but like other children, sometimes she would give us a hard time to make her go to bed. Well..well..well… I bet most parents face it explicitly challenging.. that’s what we are.. to be challenged.. like a test for us to be a good parents.
That’s the good part, and the worst part was I have had almost stop breast pumping that time. After I went back from offshore, the breastmilk hasn’t produced as it did before, because no stimulation since I was on board. So Sophie was completely couldn’t get enough of milk. So then we started gave him the Pediasure to make sure she gets enough milk. I felt utterly useless, as a mom..i thot I could give her fully breastmilk till she’s 2, at least..
I tried, I beast pumped during my training, I even didn’t stop pumping until the last day onboard.. I’ve bought milkmaid tea to stimulate and to increase the milk, but I was failed. I was sad.. totally.. until now, I would say.. I envy to some people I know who still made it in fact a fully breastfed until their children are 2.. ooo.. I’m sorry dear.. I really wish I could give you more than now…
But there are still some, I tried pumped it, and it was not even 1 oz, but Sophie still not stopping from breastfeed. She’s also can manage to drink the formula if she wants it.. honestly, she’s almost depends on formula right now, almost 98.5%...i told ya.. that’s really the worst part..
What a moment!!!
June 20th 2009
Leaving on the jet plane… hahaha.. Yes finally!!!.. I was on the flight after 2-week will-not-tell-you-how-terrible-it-was experience while I was in offshore training. The journey was quite fun, after a few attempt to go back which has been canceled for 4 times, we at last settled on the chopper landing test. I was not telling Hubby till I was on the airport waited to depart. Of course he was surprised, but I could tell how happy he was (he better to! Hahaha). Sophie? It would be nice if I had the chance to talk to her and tell her I was on my way to see her.
I was quite nervous to see them tho. I wished I could tell you how much I missed them yet I couldn’t wait to hug and kiss them both. Hubby came with Noi to pick me up in KL Sentral and Sophie waited for me in her grandma’s house.
We can just leave the romantic scene between me n Hubby, not that interesting I know…hehehe.. I bet it would be as the same as some couple with the long distance relationship, when they’ve been apart for quite some time. Now now.. I wanna focus on Sophie.. How was she reacted when she saw me after 2 weeks we’ve been apart.
I was rushing to take the elevator to my mom’s and Hubby was still looking for the parking. Too enthusiastic to see my only princess, I was climbing the stair instead taking the elevator since it was too slow. I didn’t know where on earth I’ve got the energy, but I didn’t realize I was already in my mom’s in less than 3 mins. When I was there, Sophie just stepped out to the corridor and she was surprised at first looking at me yet she ran towards me and hugged me. i couldn’t tell you how I couldn’t stop shed my tears on her, she’s looking at me and hold me tight. Then she looked mope and I know she’s sulking. That time.. she won’t let me go..not even to the toilet.. Perhaps, she still worried that I may leave her again.. uhuhuhuhu…
Monday, October 5, 2009
Now I desperately positively missing you
I dun really know what to say. Everytime I called ur dad.. I felt like i can't breath. Seriously it was kinda stucked in my throat, my dear. We actually could go back by the 10th day of the operation, but there were some miscommunication between us and the people in SKO. We were hoping we could go back at that time, we had already change the flight tickets, that day just wasn't happen as I hoped..
I'm sorry sweetheart, i've done as best as I could. I even couldn't stand and yelled to the people in SKO just because they didn't manage to handle the boat and chopper arrangement, which we had missed that day.. Urgh.. I'm so much in stress right now.. I wished u and ur daddy were here.. Uhuhu
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Monday, September 14, 2009
3rd e-letter while onboard
Saturday, June 13, 2009
2300 hrs
Salam my dearest princess,
How’s your day today? Have you encountered any fun and enjoyable event? Indeed I have spoken to your dad that he and you had spending day with nanny to a wedding. It was very good for you went out and have blessed day, which at once you be more fortunate to have people loved you around.
Mummy had a very fine day indeed with the very impressive progression by the crew of PGS. We have completed line no 6 and will be shooting the line no 7 as soon as they have made the turn, which will take 3-4 hours. I pray everyday hoping the operation would turn out good and well hence I could go home earlier and see you and daddy. Today I have not had my breakfast as I did pump my milk as usual since I woke up late I missed my breakfast. By the way, as the courtesy of the chef, I had a chance to take a cereal for breakfast.
As usual, very dull and quite boring for me without you around, I had chitchat with the gentlemen and surprisingly they are all from various countries. I rather thought they are Norwegian or British, as the company is wholly owned by UK and Norway Company. But I thought wrong there are some fellows from Thailand, Canada, Scotland and I understand the mechanic crew has been hired from Philippines. With the great pleasure heard a lot of stories from them when they have talked about their family, their wives, kids, experiences in seismic acquisition, and their passion in their job. As one of Canadian fellow, as he saw a picture of you in my Macbook, was telling me he is missing his son as well however it’s pretty hard for him since his son taken care by his mom. With some circumstances, they hardly meet. Poor fellow.. and this is where I think I am real blessed to have you both, ur dad and you yourself my dear.
My love Sophie
Right now right at this moment, they already have stop shooting and wait to shoot again not after they have completed turning. I am actually waiting to make a call to your dad and I’m quite sleepy waiting to go to bed but not until I make a love letter to you. J I must go now my dear child. I’ll write to you soon. I miss you so much. Kisses..
2nd e-letter for Sophie
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Dear my little princess Sophie,
Today has been 5 days since I left you with daddy and granny. I am so much in good health yet still thinking of you everyday. Considerable undoubtedly, I think I can’t live without you two, you my darling and your daddy. Indeed I couldn’t think, I couldn’t breathe and hardly can eat, even the foods were not as delightful as in on shore, you can’t even tell. It has given me such unpleasant feeling whatever I should do made me more suffer of leaving you at home. I am terribly sorry. I am still thinking. Am I a bad mother, the cruelest ever in this world? What on earth can a mother could ever abandon her child for quite sometime when she needed her most? I sworn to myself, if anything bad happen to you, I would pin myself down for whatever reason, I shall have not be forgiven.
My darling,
Every time I was in my cabin made me cold and boring, discouraged me myself from being motivate to do my job. These feeling inside has been ruled me, instead of being independent I am now inadequate. What I worried most is you, have you eaten enough foods, have you had enough sleep, have you ever miss me? I am so deeply thought about it and made me anxious. First thing in the morning I must go to the phone and called your dad of asking about you. How have you been doing without me, which your dad mentioned you’re progressively adapting your routine without me. What should I say this? I was relieved when after gave some hard time to your dad and granny, at least you have had been strong and independent. But after sometime I was thinking that have you had forgotten me already? I know this is the ruthless thought but I can’t help it. Because you know how much I love and I miss you as much as I do for your dad. You both are my life, my home and my destiny. Without you both I am nothing and worthless.
My sweetheart,
There is no intention for me to left you alone but the condition of my job has made me do this, very impossible to just ignore it. I wont be long, as soon as this operation completed, I’ll be home in no time. I would be chasing the flight ticket to get home and be with you and your dad, hope you’ll be waiting for me then. In the meanwhile, I just want you to know that I miss you so much. I love you.
Lots of love for you and your daddy
1st e-letter for my lil' princess
Dear my little princess,
Today is the 2nd day I’m away from you. I know this is hard.. very hard for me and for you too. You can’t ever imagine what I felt and I acted. The whole was tied up for benefit on learning to be absent from you as you could learn to be more independent when I’m gone. I know I’m going to miss you, hence I miss you so much right now, that I miss your desire to learn a new thing, observing people and new words, I miss your cunning tricks and a great deal of noise when you were mumbling in German.. hehehe..
Last night you’ve been giving a hard time to daddy, grandpa, grandma and your aunt Noi. Which I supposed this would be harder as I think you might be not needed me around and learned to sleep without me. I feel sorry and please do not get me wrong on this. Please do not think that I was to be rather cold-hearted and rather selfish to left you alone with daddy, since you know… he is capable to take care of you. He’s fantastic; please do help him as you’re helping me before. I know you’re good girl, with as much kindness as you could. I know ur daddy done a very good job.
How differently did every thing now appear in which I was concerned! I was expecting a phone call from your dad this morning in telling me that everything was all right. However after some time, I thought differently and called him and the moment I listened to his voice I know something must be wrong. I’m now stuck in Bintulu while waiting to be on board tomorrow and you know it willl take some time. My dear child, I won’t be able to hug and kisses you as always, I wont be able to put you in my arm, but I hope you know that I always love you.. always…
Saturday, September 5, 2009
SAD, CONFUSED - the challenge begun
“the meeting was great, they have decided to send few people on board. 1 people from acquisition and probably 1 people from PMU. They have asked if we are going to send our people, boss”
“Yes, I’ve told them, that you’re going” Gulp!!
“oo but I need to renew my BOSET. It has been expired a while ago”
“It’s ok. Get it done by next week” double gulp!!!!
“ok wil do boss”
So bermula la hari yg kelam kabut bg diriku, mixed feelings, and terrified on leaving my little ones even it would only take about 1 week. But, how I ever say ‘NO’ to my boss since it was only 1 month I’ve been moving in to this dept? Furthermore, flexibility is crucial in the ‘world of geoscientist’. Hmmm….
Day by day, it was beyond words. I really did not know how to describe my feeling was. It’s my first time to leave Sophie for few days and I know I’m going to miss my other half. Dugaan.. plus, I was still breastfeeding her and she’s really attached with me especially during nite sleep. How does she ever sleep without me??
Tik tok tik tok.. I was getting nervous. I have settled on having my parents looking after Sophie while I’m gone and I have settled on packing stuffs especially my breast pump. I was promised to myself that I’m going to continue pumping even I know this is going to be end of my effort on the possession of breastfeeding my baby. Sighhhh…
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Hong Kong Trip (Day2 & 3)
The agent had called to make sure we were ready in the Hotel lobby – first, they have taken us to this one Buddhist Temple in Hong Kong Island(I couldn’t recalled the name) – from the trip we had seen a very beautiful luxurious house in the hills facing the seaview in Repulse Bay, which the agent told us that one house costs about HKD 80m (RM36.5m) – giler ker hapa??? Mmg 100 thn kejer pun blum tentu dpt beli.. but seriously, it was serene and an awesome view, perhaps you should buy that all together then costs you that much huh?? – we had also noticed the HK Aquiarium and we were thinking “knp la x terpk nk pg sini? Kalo tak mesti Sophie happy giler tgk fish (dolphin)” hmmm.. indeed.. we definitely have to have more proper plan for the next visit in HK.
Next stop was to Aberdeen Fishing Village, we had a ‘sampan’ ride (they also call it sampan) for about 20 mins. This sampan ride conveyed by former fisherman, and we were told the gov suggested them to occupy themselves in this tourism business as they have already retired. Even though it was costs us about 20 HKD, but the ride was good. Soon after that, we stopped by at HK Jewellery Factory before we headed to Victoria’s Peak. Since we were riding a bus to the peak, we had no chance to take a tram. The peak had a very beautiful view. From there you could have seen some of building facing each other between this island and the mainland. We have captured some pictures with some helped of the agent.
Then, we went to Madame Tussauds, spent some time in here especially with Sophie around, she was obviously looked at the wax mannequin with the curiosity. “How are these people just stick around without moving?” hahaha.. The exhibits was quite the same as in London, except they have put their stars as Aaron Kwok, Andy Lau, Leon Lai..etc..etc.. Then, end tour at Avenue of Stars and free at own leisure at Tsim Sha Tsui which we had our own arrangement for return trip to hotel.
We actually decided to go to Macau on that afternoon, so we took a walk, stopped by to buy some parfumes (very cheap indeed) and stopped for a lunch. We had a sumptuous lunch in the Arabian Restaurant – it was incredibly delicious yet very expensive (I think most halal food is expensive in this kind of country). Then, walked 15 mins to Ferry station, hoping they were ferry still available at that time and we turned back to the nearest MRT station with the disappointment. Why? Because of that stupid rules stated that we have to pay for 1 year-old and above as same rate as adult, as if Sophie have to seat at her own seat. Which we think it was ridiculous, where we have to spend almost RM1K, for return tix to Macau. Cancelled it and return back to hotel.
Day 3
The day that Sophie and I waiting for!! Disneyland trip. We spent whole day to explore the Disneyland. Which I would say we unsuccessfully done that since we were tired to queue up for each games and tired in handling Sophie. Poor Sophie, she was restless, and we spent about ½ an hour done nothing since she was sleeping in my lap. Conclusion - enjoyable, excitement and explicitly amusing trip. You could see the pictures on the slideshow in the left panel of this blog. I couldn’t tell you more. But I can tell you this, Tokyo Disneyland much much better; even I’m not have yet the chance to go there.
Eventually, that night despite of very tiring day for us, we have done some shopping in Ladies Market, Mongkok. Very well and good price for us, caught an eye items, bargains a lot for some jewelries and cloths. Also encountered with some unkind and harsh vendor, which I would say it’s common in there and I was warned by Angah that that would happened. So none taken, we had what we wanted with a good price from other vendors. So I won’t mind at all. It’s exhausted as Sophie falls asleep while on our way back to hotel. What a cruel parents we were.. hahaha..
Day 4
Relax, spent most of the time in hotel while waiting to go back to KL, Malaysia. Home sweet home.. Nevertheless, what a very sweet moment of our 2nd anniversarry :)
Hong Kong trip (Day1)
Travelling with her obviously made us happy yet it was tiring. Fortunately I’ve brought the baby sling so baby wearing made our trip much effortless in handling Sophie. Obviously, she was always trying to get free from being stranded in baby wearing all day long but, we couldn’t bear to get her walked around especially, during this H1N1 spreading out. As such, you could have imagined how worried we were but there’s nothing we could do, unless we had to cancel the ticket. We were almost thinking to cancel it, and since we had a consultation from her pediatrician, we were hoping it won’t affect Sophie and Alhamdulillah, with taken some precaution during the trip; we had successfully come home with H1N1 free!!
Here are the summary of the trip
Day 1
LCCT – AirAsia to HKong International Airport, taken to Royal Plaza Hotel by our agent – next thing we did is tido since it’s already 8pm. It was nice to see some night view in HK especially when we have seen the world's seventh-longest span suspension bridge, Tsing Ma Bridge. The bridge was named after two of the islands. It was exhausting; need to revive some energy before the tour tomorrow. We were fortunate having to stay in this 5 stars hotel which the hotel was comfy, with the nice bathroom where Sophie always couldn’t wait to spend her bath time in the bath tub, and the service was good. This hotel actually located in the middle of Mongkok town and easily reaches by the MRT. It also attached together with shopping complex, I think sort of MValley in here. So location wise, it’s brilliant we have had book this hotel with the agent. Made the journey quite easy.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Her first amusement of mirrors - she's 6 month-old
Monday, August 3, 2009
She's in pain...

When she was only a few days to 1, Sophie had these severe vomiting and diarrhea. For a first time parent, looked at her suffering for vomiting and poops more than usual made I cry. I was not sure at first if whether she had diarrhea or something wrong with she ate that day. She started vomiting and frequently poops till on that one evening and we were rushing to Prince Court the first in the Saturday morning when she had fever. Till then, I know there might be something wrong with her diet and we were not sure if it was caused from her nursery or from what we gave her last night. She has got her treatment from Dr. Anthony, the pediatrician which he suggested Sophie to be warded if we couldn’t be sure that we could monitor her by ourselves. Of course we wanted her to be monitored by specialist, so warded she was.

Sophie was getting worse. When Dr. Anthony given her injection and put the tube in her cute little hand she was crying out loud, the first time I saw her in most pain. I never saw her in that condition, I was crying and even the most unflappable parents like her dad would also seems sad and miserable looking at how suffered she was. The tube was to get the fluids coming in her body since she was dehydrated and Dr. Anthony told us it can be serious even fatal, in a baby. She has to have plenty of waters.
What caused diarrhea? I hope it was not come from us and most probably she got it from her nursery. Dr. Anthony said our baby's diarrhea could be caused by a viral or bacterial infection. It might also be the result of a parasite, a course of antibiotics, or something she ate. Some bacterial infections clear up on their own, however some bacteria like the E. coli can be found in undercooked meat and other food sources and it can be very serious. It can also be caused by food poisoning, but thank God she has not had any trouble in breathing. Her pediatrician also said it could be worse if I was not continuing gave her breastfeeding which Sophie also did not refused to have it.
We have stayed for 2 nights and with the medication given, alhamdulillah she was getting better. Her stool was not as it used to be, no more watery and loose. She even can give us her beautiful smile in the next morning. We couldn’t bear to see her suffered from the pain the last 2 days. I hope it won’t happen again which those experiences gave us more lessons for us for not letting our child easily eat something she’s no used to. Sophie was also gets friendly with the nurses but she still scared when she saw Dr. Anthony, I think she still had this ‘hard feeling’ when she remembered how ‘cruel’ her pediatrician was when he put the tube inside her hands. By the way, it was our first time stayed in PCMC and to look at the level of standard of this Hospital, I would say it was the best. The treatment, the hospitability and the staff nurses, was amazing and we satisfied with the services. However we still went to Pantai Medical to see Dr. Azam, just when we couldn’t get Dr. Anthony and still we want to reconsider either these 2 hospital for me giving birth for our 2nd baby.. which I couldn’t figure it out when the best time is…aaahaaaa..
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
13 & 14 months Princess
At her 1st birthday, I noticed Sophie could use some words expressively. Even though we didn’t quite sure what it was but her working vocabulary have grown to several words. Most of the time she was trying to practice the inflection, raising her tone of voice as if she asked some question and she babbled something I didn’t understand, I just said : “oo really?? What happened? “ – thats my safe words. Also we noticed she able reached her arms toward her favorite toy such as Leap Frog Lily, her Leap Pad book and and she even said “book” whenever she was trying to reach her books. She also developed some sign language of gestures in communicating with us as well. Sometimes we were pity on her when she struggles to get her meaning across now and then. We have bought her new Leap Frog Music Table with bilingual, English and French which perhaps we could develop her in other languages other than Malay and English. Perhaps, I should learn French too.
We already moved to a new house in Bandar Kinrara 5 when she was 14 months. Sophie looked cheerful and had enjoy with her new house – I think because it’s bigger and organized. The house we bought is well kept by the previous owner. Yup we bought a 9 year-old house and we do not regret in our decision since this house is equipped with kitchen cabinet, tv cabinet and built-in wardrobe. Sophie had her best experience in climbing the stairs, which we worried most. And there is a fish pond in car porch which she excited in looking at the fishes. There were 3 fishes – 2 Kaloi and 1 gold fish. Of course she would always love to see the gold fish but 2 big Kaloi also would attract her.
Monday, July 27, 2009
My 1st Oversea Trip
The trip was actually to celebrate mommy’s birthday. We had travel on the Jan 15-17, and it was worth it, traveled for sightseeing and shopping. When we arrived, there was a man called Pak Ayi, waited for us and mommy said he would be our driver for the whole trip. This man looked decent and we thank him for his effort and his willingness on guiding us around Bandung. Mommy was excited when we arrived at Pasar Baru, one of the small complex selling lots of textiles, hijabs, and etc. Mommy bought herself some textiles and kebaya where she was happy with the price and the quality of all the stuffs. Me? I was tired, had no appetite and I was feeling drowsy.
After some time, we went back to the hotel, had shower and mommy was planning to go shopping at Heritage and some of the FO she knew through internet. However, I was accidentally slipped in the shower and hit a bit on my lips, which I was crying out loud and it was really hurt. Mommy said sorry and she felt terrible on what happened to me. It’s ok mommy, no worries, I’m a bit tough like you :). After we went shopping which actually mommy didn’t have feeling on buying anything, we were up to one diner place for dinner. It was cozy and authentic style of Bandung or Indonesian. The foods were great and I heard them talking about the good service too. I was not paying attention while happy playing around. After we had sumptuous dinner, we were straight ahead to Rumah Mode, one of the famous FO in Bandung.
The next day, after had some breakfast, mommy and daddy was ready to go to one place called Tangkuban Perahu. I do not really know what the place it was, but mummy said it could be cold and cloudy so she wanted me to put on the sweater. I was kind of excited to see the place daddy called a “volcano”. It’s quite a long journey we had to arrive at the location. There were lots of people and the scenery was beautiful, we’ve taken lots of picture. Mommy wanted to ride a donkey with me, which I would say, I was excited at the beginning but I wasn’t soon after that. It might be because of the cold and the riding wasn’t that comfy. Well, I’m not quite sure if I still remember the moment was, but no worries since daddy has taken video on me riding the donkey.
We went to Tea Plantation and Strawberry Park soon after that. I saw mommy and daddy picked the strawberries and heard they were saying the strawberry juice was flavorsome. I was tempted to taste it but mom forbids me to do that. After that we had lunch and went to Amanda Brownies in Jalan Dago for souvenirs. We headed to lots of FO, which I was not quite interested and it was really tiring day for me. I was restless and hungry yet quite happy when I saw daddy bought himself some apparel. After sometime, I heard mommy saying she was not satisfied with the FO and she saw the some of the stuffs were fake. She asked Pak Ayi to go to Rumah Mode again. There we’ve bumped to daddy’s friend, he called him Pak Adi. I was confused, I heard before one is Pak Ayi and here is Pak Adi. Why there were so many Pak in here??? Hmm.. I was wondering why. Never mind.. but I heard at first mommy said she thought she’s mistaken seeing him as Pak Adi since she knew they are in Malaysia. And she was surprised that the person was Pak Adi. Furthermore his family also was there because they’ve came for a wedding. That was surprisingly sweet moment meeting them there.
Mommy and daddy have done lots of shopping in Rumah Mode. We were tired and restless. We just had room service for dinner and I saw mommy packed some of the shopping stuffs in the luggage. The next day was our last day in Bandung. Daddy asked a favour of Pak Ayi to go to ITB because he was looking for a painting for our new home. I saw he was drooling of some paintings but they were quite pricey daddy said. We were soon headed to Diaz where mommy and daddy bought some wallets and stopped for a while at Pasar Baru. Again.. Mummy bought some kebaya and daddy bought hijabs for Opah. We also bought some souvenirs for daddy and mommy’s colleague. We were in the Airport with two luggages which full with shopping stuff and I knew mommy was happy with the trip. Daddy said it won’t be the last time we would travel here. He was happy and thought on buying the next trip to Bandung again. Me? Since that was my 1st trip to oversea, I was really feel delightful and blessed to have a chance travelling around even though it was tiring, I also had fun. Thanks mummy and daddy.. I love you both.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
My baby milestones
By 7 months she supposed managed to
· Sits without support - checked!
· Drags objects toward herself - checked!
· Starts crawling - checked!
· Combines syllable – a bit
· Starts to experience stranger anxiety - double checked!
Advanced skill
· Waves goodbye - checked!
· Stands while holding onto something - checked!
By 8 months she could…
· Says "mama" and "dada" to both parents (isn't specific) – checked! – mama only... papa no
· Passes objects from hand to hand - checked!
· Stands while holding onto something - checked!
· Crawls - checked! She already can do it when she was 6 months.. hooray!!
· Points at objects - checked!
· Searches for hidden objects - checked!
Advanced skill
· Pulls self to standing, cruises – sometimes
· Picks things up with thumb-finger pincer grasp - checked!
· Indicates wants with gestures – nope!
Ok.. what about when she was 9 months
· Stands while holding onto something - checked!
· Jabbers or combines syllables - checked!
· Understands object permanence - sometimes
· Cruises while holding onto furniture - checked!
· Drinks from a sippy cup - she also can drinks Vitagen by using straw
· Eats with fingers - checked!
Advanced skill
· Says "mama" and "dada" to the correct parent – checked!
Next when she was 10 months
· Waves goodbye - checked! – but the correct way - - she was like twisting her hands
· Picks things up with pincer grasp - checked!
· Crawls well, with belly off the ground - checked!
Advanced skill
· Stands alone for a couple of seconds - checked!
· Puts objects into a container – nope!
Sophie’s 11 months development
· Says "mama" and "dada" to the correct parent - checked! – but she still couldn’t says papa
· Plays patty-cake and peek-a-boo - checked!
· Stands alone for a couple of seconds - checked!
· Cruises - checked!
Advanced skill
· Understands "no" and simple instructions – nope! Lg dia nk buat ader la…
· Puts objects into a container - checked!
· Says one word besides "mama" and "dada" - checked!
· Stoops from standing position - checked!
Finally.. by her 12 months…
· Imitates others' activities - checked!
· Indicates wants with gestures - checked!
· Takes a few steps - checked!
· Says one word besides "mama" and "dada" - checked! - we also have change mama to mummy and papa to daddy since she could easily call her daddy by now rather than papa
Advanced skill
· Walks alone - checked!
· Scribbles with a crayon – nope!
· Says two words besides "mama" and "dada" - checked!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Sophie 1st anniversary
9 - 10.. Sophie was great!!
Sophie babbling started to sound like more real words, and I would respond as if I understood what she was trying to say. Well, although her understanding of words far outpaces her ability to use, I knew magic happened. She could respond when I or Hubby said something and she’s so keen to look up when I pointed something to distract her. Furthermore she seems to understand when I said something nice and praise her, she seems pleased and contented. However sometime I did not know how to communicate with which is I couldn’t find any phrases or sentences in making a conversation with her. I should learn more how to communicate with baby.My little ones started to understand the word "no," though she seems to ignore and may not obey it just yet. What I know at this stage, it's best to try to avoid the tendency to use baby talk because I believed hearing the right words is better for Sophie's development.
Soon after that I noticed some words or gestures I actually understand, as well as other forms of communication. Sophie also loves when I sang her nursery rhymes, which we bought for 2-3 months ago. She enjoyed when I was demonstrating the actions that go with words even she couldn’t understand what I was doing actually. The worst part was, when I stopped she would cry and asked for more and more. That was really tiring repeated singing those rhymes.. hehehe..But surprisingly, she would imitate my actions such as clapping her hands together and moved her head for peek-a-boo.
At mealtimes, she was able to grip a cup and drink from it independently and we already introduced her with Vitagen and yogurts which she loved most. Her demands on foods quite unpredictable and we always had a problem to give what she needed. Her weight was not as expected for her age; this was concerned by her pediatrician, Dr. Azam. He said supposedly Sophie have to have almost double from her birth weight. Sighhh…
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Her Fisher Price 2 in 1 walker
Poor Daddy...:(
It was Sunday morning when Angah and we have decided to go to Bukit Belacan for picnic. My mom has cooked nasi lemak for us, luckily she had time to do that since she has 3 daughters who was really not real good cook.. hehehe.. That was our 1st time took Sophie out to picnic to this kind of place, meaning despite of org2 tua advice, that is not good to bring baby to the beach, sungai2 yg dekat dgn hutan.. etc..etc..
Picnic was amusing with Sophie was so excited yet feel cold which her lips became blue and pale. I thought she couldn’t take the coldness of the water but yet she still do not gave up. I was the one who worried that she could get cold and fever.
The next day, her daddy was not feeling well and he’s getting worst. His temp was high to 40 deg C which I believed there was not a normal fever. I took him to the nearest hospital, SJMC, and they took his blood for dengue analysis. He had no clue on this; there are no symptoms but only the fever. Her daddy had 2-day MC and the result has came up and confirmed he had a dengue fever. Apart of the bad experience in SJMC’s management, everything went good enough for him to recover after 1 week and ½ . Alhamdulillah.. Thanks to Angah and Yusliza for visiting us. Sophie said thanks to her aunts and Fariz.
Two weeks after that we went to Terengganu for a vacation cum his fren’s wedding. Sophie’s daddy has booked Awana Kijal for a vacation that we really had fun in there. Sophie as usual very excited in the pool, where we couldn’t handle her enthusiasms on ‘swimming’ talent.