Friday, July 10, 2009

9 - 10.. Sophie was great!!

During her 9 to 10-month-old, apparently Sophie was quite a fast learner. I think all babies at her age were always been fast learner since they were so enthusiastic and also observer. I was actually worried with her mobile when there was so much mess in our house that time. Her toys are everywhere, the stuff here and there and no matter how many times we’ve clean the chaos, it turned up to be much more messy.. hehe.. maybe we are bored to death with our rented house.

Sophie babbling started to sound like more real words, and I would respond as if I understood what she was trying to say. Well, although her understanding of words far outpaces her ability to use, I knew magic happened. She could respond when I or Hubby said something and she’s so keen to look up when I pointed something to distract her. Furthermore she seems to understand when I said something nice and praise her, she seems pleased and contented. However sometime I did not know how to communicate with which is I couldn’t find any phrases or sentences in making a conversation with her. I should learn more how to communicate with baby.My little ones started to understand the word "no," though she seems to ignore and may not obey it just yet. What I know at this stage, it's best to try to avoid the tendency to use baby talk because I believed hearing the right words is better for Sophie's development.

Soon after that I noticed some words or gestures I actually understand, as well as other forms of communication. Sophie also loves when I sang her nursery rhymes, which we bought for 2-3 months ago. She enjoyed when I was demonstrating the actions that go with words even she couldn’t understand what I was doing actually. The worst part was, when I stopped she would cry and asked for more and more. That was really tiring repeated singing those rhymes.. hehehe..But surprisingly, she would imitate my actions such as clapping her hands together and moved her head for peek-a-boo.

At mealtimes, she was able to grip a cup and drink from it independently and we already introduced her with Vitagen and yogurts which she loved most. Her demands on foods quite unpredictable and we always had a problem to give what she needed. Her weight was not as expected for her age; this was concerned by her pediatrician, Dr. Azam. He said supposedly Sophie have to have almost double from her birth weight. Sighhh…

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