Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The ALIMkids Playgroup sessions

Hannah and Mama, Aunt Nany - Sophie was so excited to see her fren during the playgroup. She was called Camilla actually since another student also has a similar name as her, Sofia. Aunt Nany looked fresh after her confinement period of her 2nd child ;)
Her 1st session - Artsy part .. colors..
Sophie's 2nd session - Actively participated with singing and other activities. This time around, I must admit that I'm proud of her. She's improved a lot, she's communicated with her teacher and frens, she took part with all the activities done.. well.. not bad for the 2nd session.. and as a result, she couldn't wait for another playgroup session.

Artsy work - Shapes... her own decorated star

Posing with Hannah and their stars.. hmmm dua2 star x clear..Adoiii

at the end the session - - Sophie and Mommy!!


NanyFadhly said...

NTah nyer, camne peganag kayu stick pon tak tau la...heheh...thank you for the pic Azah. :-)

ARWEN_my said...

No problem dear.. x sabar nk tgk diorg on the next session.. :)