Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sophie's 1st session

I've been browsing lots of school or playgroups before but finally ended up with ALIMkids playgroup. I was looking for Genius Aulad actually, hoped that they will have a playgroup in BK but unfortunately, their principle decided to have it only in Bangi the closest to my place. So thinking to have it quite far from home and don't really know how for sure Sophie would be willing to participate, I was considering ALIMKids since had a good review by Nany and the class held in BK5B. I'm sure from the review she's given and Hannah's posted video, made me convinced that ALIMkids would be fine for Sophie. So here we were, the 1st session of her playgroup. Hubby also around to support her but as a kid who joined at the first time, we never expected much from her. It's normal that they're quite reserved. So did Sophie, she just tried to participate but at certain time she actually might scared with those new things.

Quite ok I must say, eventho she's not cooperate at certain part during Teacher Effa's class, yet she's quite amazing. She then had a courage to participate during the phonics singing and reading. Well, for the 1st session, we were not expect much la kan... just hoped she's enjoying the class and meeting with her new frens. I'm certainly sure that Sophie was happy and would be excited to have another class.. Hmmm.. she loves to play the phonics singing over and over again.. well, I think it's a good signs tho :).. I will post the pix soon.

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