Wednesday, March 23, 2011

3rd Session of Playgroup

lets sing a song!!

Story time!! Aunt Nany interested lebih nampak??!! hehehe

Ants on the apple...a..a...a..!! Phonics time!

Cara Hannah senyum yg comei.. showing her lovely artsy..

Artworks of shapes - Square - nicey artsy!! tp muka dua2 x leh tahan.. kalo suh 'smile' jer ni la jadinya.. seb baik dua2 maintain cute..;p

Penat la suh senyum.. ni jer la hasilnya.. ok la tuh!!

Sophie was excited with her sticker and showed it to Aunt Nany.. 1st time sticked on her hands.. kalo x stick kt buku jer.. pastu biler hilang puas la nk cari..stress den!


NanyFadhly said...

hei, hei, hei....Azah, I baru start nak betol2 simpan all of HAnnah's artworks masa kat kelas tuh..ape la mummy die nih...

ARWEN_my said...

Hahaha!! ala.. lebeh kurang.. yg kitorg ni ntah bersepah2 kot.. Sophie pun bukan nya dia tgk blk hasil kerja dia ;p