On July 2010, I've a department Teambuilding called "TIM Dynamic Converge" which successfully organised by us (TIM we-Care).. Alhamdulillah, all bosses and colleagues was enjoying all the activities.. Luckily Avillion have given full co-operation and gave a good services to us. Kudos to Avillion!! Btw, Niza and I decided to get additional 1 night stay in the hotel with the special rates given (special pun about RM400++ gaks melayang)..hehehe.. But, since we haven't gone to holiday in those past months, I thought it's better to have it with my family...plus it's Avillion!! Well, fun part was... Hubby had an 'awesome' experience while drove to PD with Sophie aside. HAHAHAHA!! I had a phone call from Hubby when he said that Sophie won't stop crying and insisted to not seat on her car seat. She's insisting to seat on her Daddy's lap even while driving. This happened when he was only an 1/2 hour away from PD (I think in Seremban's plaza toll). I knew Hubby sounded panic plus I won't be available to soothe Sophie but at least I tried talk to her over the phone... here are some of the conversation :
Me : "Sophie.. Hi sayang.."
Sophie : "uhuhu..sob..sob.. Mommy...uwaaaa!!!" cont. to cry..
Me : Hey honey.. mommy's here... do you want to see me? of course you do right? so please.. please let Daddy drives so you can meet me here.."
Sophie : " uhuuhu..sob..sob..."
Me : OK.. I promise you.. I will be right here when you arrived ok?? please just go and sit, please Sophie.. Please..."
Then, she kept cont to weep.. and I.. couldn't think of anything, just hoping Hubby managed to get here.. and at the same time... I was a bit panic.
However, surprisingly about 1/2 hour later, Hubby called and asked me to get Sophie at Hotel lobby. OMG!! I was so happy and speechless.. I ran to get her, felt wanna cry and kept saying thanks to her for being a good girl... i was relieved..
Beach walk at Sunday morning...

Feeding-the-Pet... she's enjoying with the bunnies

She's even touching them.. Geram kot tgk bulu2 tu

feeding the rooster

Ok.. i myself don't have the guts to hold that rooster

Tgk la tu.. relax jer dia peluk ayam tu..

swimming time.. as usual.. took longer than planned cz Sophie didn't want to...
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