Friday, December 31, 2010
The loss of our cousin
We were shocked, the whole family didn't know how to react. It was so sudden.. The cause? - the horrible accident, hit and run. I don't want to describe the details, cz we are now still grieving the loss of our beloved cousin.
No one knows why bad things happen to those so innocent and whose life has hardly begun. For now it will have to remain the painful mystery that it is. Losses like this can make us challenge our faith; however, this is precisely the time when our faith needs to be its strongest. I am praying that our faith will help us, especially our uncle n aunt, get through this very difficult time and help us to know that God's purpose, whatever it may be, is at work. I pray that we will find the strength to get us through our grief and sadness.
Innailillahiwainnalillahirajioun. To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Cuti-cuti 2010 - Dhaka
But, i know Dhaka is not bad at all.. despite of what you've seen from the magazines, tvs or other media, my sister told me that there are several attractions for you to visit. Not to mention about places to shop.. definitely make the ladies damn crazy about textiles, beadings, children's apparels, men's apparel.. All of this because of the cheap labor in Bangladesh, which he imported clothes or apparel manufactured there.. Same goes to Indonesia and China. That why you can find lots of Fo in Bandung and Jakarta.. even there is no proper FO as in Bandung, but it's also easy to find cheap clothes in Dhaka.. sumwhere in... ouh forgot the name.. i just remembered one area..yes..Gulshan 2..
Anyways, last March we went there to visit Angah n family plus to shop and visit some places. But then several plans have been canceled due to tight schedule. We were there for 4-5 days only and it's definitely fun, enjoyable and memorable. The visit reminded me of Pakistan, which I went to Islamabad 5 years ago to visit Hubby (that time he's still a BF). Same thing happens in Indonesia as well. Lots of beggars especially on traffic area. Everything seems poor and messy, you may see those people look haggard even in their early age because of the oeverwork or life in stress. If you were there, I bet you must be thinking that you're grateful enough to live in Malaysia. In Bangladesh, they are still maintaining the 'kasta' system, which the poorer people would remain poor I would say. It was definitely made us feel sad to see all those poor people, .. bBt, Angah has told me the same thing that Hubby said to me once ago in Islamabad, "don't give it to them, unless there are no other else". Why? there are too many reason.. syndicate, encourage other beggars, etc.. and many more. Anyhow, the sympathy not only for the people.. but the whole thing...
So alhamdulillah, despite of these sadness things, we were happy with the tours. Mostly tiring with our usual activities of shopping but it was worth the single cent u paid. But, above all.. the best part was, not only we have met our beloved niece and nephew, Alisa and Akiff but we also knew some people which introduced by Angah.. very lovely people esp. Puan Hajah Latifah, a wife of Brunei Embassy and not to mention some party and shopping!! We had a several shopping trip. 1st trip, we decided to tag along with other frens of Angah, and that time Sophie joined to shop. Lots of places and we bought a lot.. Esp. for Hubby and Sophie. Mine..only some textiles... 2nd trip, Garage sale.. 1st trial of leaving Sophie with the maid and Alisa n Akiff. We decided to go without her since we saw her so tired on the 1st trip, plus she never understand what actually we were doing kan. Quite a bored trip i guess (for her). First few minutes we had a call from Alisa, which panicking when she saw Sophie's crying. After consulted by her Daddy, surprisingly she managed to handle Sophie. 3rd trip, another trip without Sophie and Alisa was proud about her 'achievement' on handling Sophie.. Bravo!! We also had custom made of suits since the tailor are well known by Angah and there were cheap with the tip top workmanship. Unbelievable!
OK.. dats all for the trip.. i can't think of what happened there but i assure you that was among the best trip we ever had. All the photos will be posted soon.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Sophie's not so new toys
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Salam Aidiladha
Btw, i loved the foods a lot. A festive like this, of course they were homemade ketupat, rendang etc which we actually couldn't stopped eating the whole day.. Haha.. And yes, we had a movie date yesterday evening ;) Harry Potter : deathly hallows part 1... Best giler!! ;)

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Friday, November 12, 2010
Her 2nd Birthday - 10/02/2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Salam Eid-ul-Fitr
Salam to all our muslim friends out there... we wish you Eid Mubarak!! "Taqabballah minna waminkum.." (may Allah accept the good deeds from me and you..) InsyaAllah.. May this Eid bring you joy and happiness..
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sophie vs Barney vs Minnie and vs Aidiq Zakuan
So.. Sophie started liking Barney and Minnie since we’ve bought her the soft toys. Barney was really big, even she couldn’t hold it. But I’m super glad that she could manage to have one Big Barney and a very small Minnie. Sometimes I can see her kissed and hugged them like I used to do to her. She’s adorable.. and cute of course..hehehe..
Then, when she needs to sit, she would just lets Barney seats on that small basket.. hahaha
Ok then what about Aidiq Zakuan.. he’s my cousin’s son, which 6 months (I think) younger than Sophie. But despite of his cuteness and charming persona, he’s really really really loves Sophie. He can’t even look at Sophie where he would just pinched her cheek or tried to provoke in any way, till Sophie gave up. wut so funny was, Aidiq would only just make ‘blur’ faces when Sophie was crying after he pinched her.We just could laughed and tried to avoid things got worse by took them away from each other, even sometime we tought that both were trying to make friends.. hehehe.. Kids way.. By the way, sometimes we could see that Sophie was quite toughening up a bit. After sometime, she could fought Aidiq back .. Then both of them ended up crying.. hahaha..
don't be tricked by this 'Sophie-Aidiq happy moment' because it didn't lasts long.. hehehe.. 5 mins after this pix taken.. Sophie was crying out loud teased by him.. hehehe
Friday, August 20, 2010
Vacation vs Sophie
For us to be out there alone.. it seems like a therapy for us -- to get a break, get a romance mode.. I’m not saying that we didn’t get enuff at home, with Sophie around.. no!!.. in fact Sophie was not the point since she is already been sleeping in her luvly room. But if we were alone, and went to the strange place, it does kinda remind us with our 1st honeymoon in London. Yeah!! Of course we were worried and always feel concern about traveling without her. There are so many reasons why we need vacations… One of them is we believed that our Sophie will have a great time hanging out with the grand parents. I think she’s definitely will have a great bond build between them and build many wonderful memories. Sometimes, there's an education only grandparents can give, which we never thought of it.. so just let them spend time alone with your children.
Then, FAMILY is depends on the strength of our marriage. We totally agreed that it's important for us to get away to focus on the relationship we have, not just raise children. Trust me… Your children feel secure knowing their parents love and care for each other. Give them security at home by renewing your marriage relationship - - not that we have to this because we had problems in our marriage.. it’s better to have it since we know we love each other. We've earned a vacation. Hardworking parents need a break, right?
And do you know actually the kids need a break from you? As the matter of fact, you can't shelter them their entire lives, they need to experience the world without you. Doing it in a safe environment like the grandparents house is a great first step toward doing things on their own. When you return you'll be amazed at the new things they've learned - - She did..
And for last January, we were decided to leave Sophie again for my birthday celebration & another trip. Yup, that was cruel if you say so, but this trip was not meant for her. Trust me.. Snorkeling and stuffs were not meant for babies and toddlers, ain’t I right? Therefore, we booked tickets for two and this time we were inviting my lil’ sister, Noi and her friend, Ila to travel along to Krabi. It was an awesome trip! We were there for only 3 days 2 nights and basically we just went to the snorkeling trip and did some shopping. All the pictures already been uploaded to Noi and my FB.
It’s been totally fun with the speed boat cruise and snorkeled around at those beautiful islands in the world. There was lots of tourist everywhere.. as if we were totally in the strangest world indeed.. I must say that we didn’t have much time to spend for other attractions, but we promised ourselves that we are going there again someday. There were lot of thing to do in Krabi and we regret we didn’t do it. However, if you plan to go Krabi soon, make sure your pocket is full since the halal foods is expensive and so does all the shopping stuff. I think they’re targeting rich ‘mat salleh’ people, so sometime they just being so arrogant if we tried to bargain. If you encountered this arrogant shop-keeper, please do ignore them. There’s a lot of shop you may go, and some of them are generous enough to give you the stuffs u need with a great bargain.
So back to my lil’ princess.. Sophie was being a good girl even she did mention about ‘mummy’ and ‘daddy’ for several times, yet she’s ok. I made several calls to check upon her but overall, my mum said she was great.. so perhaps for the next trip she would be ok with her daddy then.. xoxo
OK.. not OK.. Mommy..Daddy..HELP!
Hubby called me and told what he concerned about, and I was wondering what I have I given to make her suffer like that. It was surely nothing ‘hard’ solid food, so my worry is for the laxative a.k.a her milk supply. I’ve noticed that since we have changed the Pediasure Complete to Gain® Plus Advance Eye-QTM (still with Abbott products), she can’t bear with an over-the-counter laxative. Compared to Pediasure complete, she never had this constipation suffer.
So for that incident happened, after Hubby and I sick worried about her, we tried to make her calm and relax, which the hardest thing to do. She’s experienced the painful bowel movements and tried to get ‘rid’ of the stools I believed. After few attempts on making her calm and squat for a while, she did successfully get ‘rid of it’.
Since of that incident, my ultimate goal is to help my child to have soft, comfortable stools again. One of it, I’m definitely to cut down her laxative supply. It’s actually better use rarely and increases the fiber intake. Sophie is a picky-eater and to serve her with fiber may seem impossible. Hmmm… so I might stick with giving her banana instead of other fiber foods. By the way, from the web and books, you can try other alternatives if you are facing this problem, such as :
1. Make sure your child is drinking enough fluids -- juice, milk and water. If your child is dehydrated, her stool will become harder, leading to constipation. It is particularly important for your child to stay hydrated in hot weather. Since it's difficult to make specific recommendations as to how much fluid is enough, try following the pediatricians' rule of thumb: If your child is urinating at least every three hours while awake, then she's probably getting plenty of fluids.
2. Encourage your child to sit on the toilet after meals. Children who have experienced painful bowel movements are often reluctant to sit on the toilet. But the longer a child avoids going to the bathroom, the harder the stool will become. You can help break this cycle by having the child sit on the toilet for 5 or 10 minutes after meals, when intestinal reflexes make passing bowel movements easier. - - So I think this is the hint for me to get her ready for toilet training which I failed a few times.. u’huh!
3. Consider eliminating milk from your child's diet. On occasion, a child can become constipated due to a cow's milk allergy or sensitivity. However, because cow's milk is an excellent source of protein and calcium, which are both essential for growth, you should not eliminate it from the diet without first consulting your doctor. If you have tried the above strategies without success and feel that milk may be the culprit, contact your pediatrician.
- Do consult your doctor if constipation develops suddenly or is associated with pain or fever.
- Don't worry if there is a small amount of blood on the surface of the stool or the toilet tissue. This probably indicates an anal fissure, a painful but non-serious condition. Larger amounts of blood, blood mixed with the stool, or blackening of the stool, however, may indicate a more serious condition.
- Do contact your doctor if constipation develops in early infancy -- this might indicate a more serious condition, such as intestinal blockage, and should be evaluated quickly.
So good luck!!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Sophie was in Parenthood - My Beautiful Junior
It was me!! ME!! I’ve been rewarded a hamper from Today Publishing – Parenthood Magazines for being one of My Beautiful Junior! The issue was on Flattering remark for my Mommy for sent out my pictures to be published. Mommy said she was not actually sent only 1 or 2 but 5 pictures for each section in the magazines. But for her 1st attempt, I was not bad at all. At least she only tried once and yet I was lucky to be one of the winner. The hamper was sponsored by Carrie Junior. After a few months, Mommy tried several attempts sending out the pictures to Pa&Ma as well, but still no luck. At one point she stopped. Maybe she wants to give me a more
challenging environment like a casting perhaps? ;)
Monday, March 8, 2010
Her 1st STUDIO Photoshoot