the show is on!! Proud of my baby bump!!
With the gorgeous mom-to-be - Anum darling
Group photo of the 9 contestants - 1 was absent
The winner of 1st Runner Up - ME!! Alhamdulillah..
The winners - mcm beauty pageant plaks.. ;p
Bcz Hubby was not around, i called up my dear sister, Noi to accompany me taken the prizes. After all, she was more excited than I was.. hahaha!!
with the hot preggy final contestants..;)
won exciting prizes - thanks to the organizer!
Gorgeous ladies - Anum and Noi - my supporters! thanks a zillion!! God knows hw I was grateful you guys're around!
after the show ended, we went to TGI's Friday to celebrate!! Ken was late since he was lost in the parking area... hahaha
My Sweetie Pie - Sophie's so excited with the prizes esp. the stroller. Ended up the stroller have been carried all her soft toys for a week in our house...
the Trophy!! weeee!!
Monday, May 23, 2011
The Event.. Modern Mum Hot Pregnant Mama Contest 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Weeeee!!! I'm hot!!
Congratulations! You have been selected as the finalist for the Hot Pregnant Mama Contest 2011, please take note that the contest will start at 1.00pm, ended at 2.00pm, 6 May 2011. and so on....

can you spot me? honestly, i don't like this photo compared to the other one. But maybe this is the lucky photo with my lucky baby.. yeah! can't wait to flaunt my baby bump..i'm proud of it!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
We could see now Sophie is developing in her speech, songs, grammar and vocabs... When I 'supervised' her doing the coloring, she was singing "Twinkle twinkle little star" while I was listening with surprised. For me, each words get clearer and better; than before she just bluntly sang the song without understand the meaning of it. Now, it seems that she understood each word of them.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
After a while and reading 2 or 3 articles regarding the toilet training, I had the couraged to make the trial. I knew I supposed to avoid the headaches etc, but if it's worth the effort, why not? So, that time I was simply ignored the routine, and hoped she do not pee or poop while asleep. 3-4 times a week, I've been waiting if the accident happened, and just get mentally prepared for that. In fact, even my mom convinced me that she's totally dried up when I asked my mom whether she's accidently pee or not after we sent her every morning, Alhamdulillah, I believed Sophie was ready for a change.
Now, the moment I write this, Sophie has succeed with her toilet training, no nappy/diapers entire day and night... Alhamdulillah.. betul la kata org, bila kita start to have another children, Allah akan cuba meringankan beban kita sedikit demi sedikit.. dengan berkatNya, I know Sophie is ready to be a big sister soon!!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Fears of lizards and cockroaches
Well, it is normal that our toddlers are demonstrating appropriate fear right now. Most children go thru this stage and it’s almost like a switch goes off and all of a sudden we can’t investigate spider webs anymore or visit our local park because of the bee’s! I just think that we have to be patient and not read into it too deeply until they are older. To have better solutions, we should not continue to have earth shattering fears that may show your child to have a form of anxiety, which is unlikely.
I found in my experience, not making too big deal about stuffs...if Sophie would freak out I would simply acknowledge it, and say I understand and it’s ok, the bugs won’t hurt you (even I also quite scared of it). I also find that if I show MY fears, forget it, it’s a life-sentence to a small child. I told ya, that’s what happened to Sophie when I was terrified with lizards. Now, she can even spot any lizards in or outside the house in no time, because she’s so afraid of them. At one time, when we’ve been to PD and there was a ‘big lizard’ – biawak outside the house, she just stands in our room and refused to go wherever even that ‘big lizard’ can’t be seen. Well, it’s kind of scary for me as well, that biawak was so big, and I’m typical lady who have an irrational fear of lizards or any animals yg merayap.. ergghhh!!!
Some kids may be soothed if you try talking more directly about the fear: See they develop fear from adults, they must have seen someone screaming when they saw a bug and it has registered in their mind and refuses to let go. But don't minimize your child's fears. Bluntly stating there's "no such thing" or "nothing to be afraid of" isn't logic they are going to buy into. For them it’s very real I guess...we never know… so, our job is to help them cope, reassure them and make sure they feel comfortable confiding in us. Or else, you can bring it up to his/her pediatrician. See if the pediatrician sees reasons to be concerned (and most likely he won't).
Please don'ts:* Don’t force your kids to confront their fears. I don’t think they are equipped to do that at this age.* Don't tell them that "big kids aren't afraid." That doesn't take the fear away. It just adds pressure and makes it more difficult for them to come to you.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Family gathering @ PD
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Mini me vs Sophie
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Module 3 : Session 5
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Say Syahadah..!!!
I always loved this song whenever they just started the class. Alhamdulillah... Sophie has learned a lot nowadays especially on how to sing the phonics song. This is the 4th session and we missed the 5th session since we went to PD for family gathering... Can't wait for the next session!
Monday, March 28, 2011
2011 PGCE - her sweet time, mommy's pressure risen up high
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
3rd Session of Playgroup
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Playhouse Disney Birthday Book
It's ok then.. Hubby's colleague, Suhana was the one mentioned to us about seeing Sophie on TV.. and so did my colleague. So lucky!! even that time we didn't received any confirmation letter saying that Sophie would be on TV for the Birthday Book. Then after few days, this letter came up in our mailbox.. with the complimentary stickers for Sophie. I was hoping to see her on TV and vid captured during aired, but unfortunately we did not succeed. Hmmm.. xder rezeki kan.. But I'm so happy that I managed to get her photo inside one of their Birthday Book ;).. i will try again for next year.. or maybe for her lil' sis ..