Just now, I was struggling with that project, when I did not know which horizon I had to pick up, intentionally for the correlation. The correlated horizon seems not right to me, then, I’ve made a reference with Ieja, my colleague. We tried to figure it out how to do the polygon correlation as in Seiswork before. Yup, that time I was so sure that I am better do it n Seiswork rather than in this software even it is new with advance technology. Ieja told me she forgot how to do it and Zul didn’t even know that thing is exist. I’ve been trying lots of thing (try and error la ni!). Suddenly it came out of nowhere.. I had the idea to do it and TAAARAAA!!! The polygon correlation has appeared!! I was surprised… aper lagi.. dengan bangganya I told Zul and Ieja that I knw how to do it. They came to my workstation and WALLLAAA!!! Dengan hidung kembang I was singing.. “my baby is a genius.. my baby is a genius”… they were jz laughing at me.. and I’ve said to Wongey who is sit next to me, “See I told ya! My baby will be a brilliant and successful geoscientist.. hehehe”…
My baby is fine. Alhamdulillah… last week, we’ve been to PMC for the 3rd prenatal visit. I’ve told my gynae about the problem I had lately where I was experiencing this sort of period pain at my left side of my womb. My hubby and I were worried about the baby actually… Dr. Idris asked me whether I have constipation or not. Yup… I’ve been terribly constipated in the last few weeks. So, that was the reason. He asked me to eat more fiber foods, fruits and vegetables… Then, one thing I was waiting for, looked at at our baby on the screen. Baby wasn’t moving as before as last time we checked. Maybe baby was sleeping… we could see our baby’s nose, eyes and fingers and toes have developed. Our baby is beautiful…
My pregnant belly is not yet showing but lots of my cloths couldn’t fit any longer. The tightness is around waist and bust. My mom already bought me one pregnancy cloth when she’s been to Jakarta. It’s lovely. I bought one too in Modernmum, together with shoes and pants. Jz have to wait for the right time to wear it. Now, its too early ja!!